sedih jga klo liat da tmen yg sakit...hiks...
hopely he will get better soon...coz he looks like poor guy...
karena jenguk dia..,jadi nya aku bisa ketemu dg tmen2 lama...duh seneng deh
bis dah lama ga hang out bareng...
skalian bisa ngibur seseorang yang lagi sakit hehehehe^^
kan dapat pahala, gede malahan^O^
smoga cepat sembuh yah
Feb 21, 2009
Feb 15, 2009
feeling..Oooo feeling....
After this day..,who knows it would be come sad or happy ending
I have story…not my story actually…
There’s people can life alone and there’s people can’t life alone’s depend on what’s life you wanna choose
People must life with another people because we can’t do anything with help
Some people say “can’t life without anyone”
Of course, we can’t!!! we need a hands, right????
In one place, someone who sad bout friend…because they separated
I know what their feeling…it’s so confused and bored if we don’t have friends
But we must move on in this life
To proof, we can be better than before
We can’t forget them actually, we can’t ignore them too
If you lose your friend please don’t see your sad face…just happy for them
Your support is better than your tear, your regreat
Just belief with say goodbye we can say hello again
I believe that!!!
Well, story ‘bout friendship is usually. There’s more friends out there…
If we lose one friend, we can have more friends after that
You must comfortable with your self than you can make another people comfortable too
Take your cheer face!!!!
Ok..,maybe it’s easy to say it and hard to do it
It’s depend on our personality….sometimes I can do it^^
But when I feel bad..,I can’t do it
Yeah..i’m moody person sometimes…
Depend on feeling my heart HUAHAHAHAHAHA….v(^-^)v
I have story…not my story actually…
There’s people can life alone and there’s people can’t life alone’s depend on what’s life you wanna choose
People must life with another people because we can’t do anything with help
Some people say “can’t life without anyone”
Of course, we can’t!!! we need a hands, right????
In one place, someone who sad bout friend…because they separated
I know what their feeling…it’s so confused and bored if we don’t have friends
But we must move on in this life
To proof, we can be better than before
We can’t forget them actually, we can’t ignore them too
If you lose your friend please don’t see your sad face…just happy for them
Your support is better than your tear, your regreat
Just belief with say goodbye we can say hello again
I believe that!!!
Well, story ‘bout friendship is usually. There’s more friends out there…
If we lose one friend, we can have more friends after that
You must comfortable with your self than you can make another people comfortable too
Take your cheer face!!!!
Ok..,maybe it’s easy to say it and hard to do it
It’s depend on our personality….sometimes I can do it^^
But when I feel bad..,I can’t do it
Yeah..i’m moody person sometimes…
Depend on feeling my heart HUAHAHAHAHAHA….v(^-^)v
actually...this's for friday 13th...
OK still listening song from clay aiken (what a romance song)
Guest what?? I used that song to made a love letter…FUFUFUFU…
Yeah only just a little friend knew it
That fine coz I love that lyric…it’s kind a truly story…(ah you know what I mean)
Like evy made love letter for her friend, Miranda for her boyfriend
My brother for my mom (of course), dimas for someone in his imagine…and
Me??for someone out there who being my soulmate (why are you hiding??)
And of course…a new t-shirt^^ because I don’t have a pinky :p
Mmm..let me introduce who’s my friends in RE 5
Yeah maybe still same friend but there’s newcomers
And amel still a youngest^^…..
At night we combine with another class, of course my little brother in
Just 3 class, include our class of couse
So we have many food but…where’s the drink????
Amel doesn’t bring anything and Kenny??hey where’s Kenny??
Ooo…he’s always late!!!! But he doesn’t put drink at the table…
So it’s so hard for to find drink or soft drink…so I took my brother….(of course he socked)
First..,I ate PIZZA..^^(of course)..i love pizza..but because many people…,
Pizza must cut to be a little pieces…that’s so disappointed
I took pizza and mayones (is it true..spell I mean?)
If everybody wanna mayones, they must went to me coz I’ve got that FUFUFU..
Before we ate our food..,we must change the present..
I’ve got number 1…guest what??? I have a box what I dreaming
Thanks dimas^^ of course the present!!! kind of a little present for handphone I guest
But I confused,,…why is like a hallowen present???
Like nightmare before chrismas!!! I though that’s wrong present
But OK…fine….because he said that he just bought that this afternoon
My present belong to evy^^ yeah congratulation!!!!
Evy, you’re so lucky!!! My present was so cool…and the cover was so nice
She said she doesn’t wanna open it because the cover was so cute!!!
Yeah…cute HAH????
Well…, I’ll do it my best (^-^)//
Hey I forgot to told that ‘bout friend who have same class with me in conversation class
He’s Al (I don’t know he’s real name, actually)…he’s the one who’s late at night
He wanna gets his certificate…
I wonder who’s invite him??miss maria invite him (she said he was crying if miss maria doesn’t invite him)….
But that’s fun…all people can together again… doesn’t continue the class…it was kind of “jumpa kangen” maybe
We have guest beside my brother…the mr.aap’s class..
They are ari and afron…
My brother’s present belong to dimas…
Dimas ask me what is it??i just say…ooo that’s deadful..^^so you must not open it
Wanna change??but he doesn’t want to because I have his present…
Well that story for today…
It’s wonderfull tonight…there’s so many people in the party…
You know…mr.aap was have a strange clothe….all blue…
Hey…I have balloon ^^…dimas took it for me…and I share with evy..,dimas,,and ridho
(because al doesn’t want it)
Guest what?? I used that song to made a love letter…FUFUFUFU…
Yeah only just a little friend knew it
That fine coz I love that lyric…it’s kind a truly story…(ah you know what I mean)
Like evy made love letter for her friend, Miranda for her boyfriend
My brother for my mom (of course), dimas for someone in his imagine…and
Me??for someone out there who being my soulmate (why are you hiding??)
And of course…a new t-shirt^^ because I don’t have a pinky :p
Mmm..let me introduce who’s my friends in RE 5
Yeah maybe still same friend but there’s newcomers
And amel still a youngest^^…..
At night we combine with another class, of course my little brother in
Just 3 class, include our class of couse
So we have many food but…where’s the drink????
Amel doesn’t bring anything and Kenny??hey where’s Kenny??
Ooo…he’s always late!!!! But he doesn’t put drink at the table…
So it’s so hard for to find drink or soft drink…so I took my brother….(of course he socked)
First..,I ate PIZZA..^^(of course)..i love pizza..but because many people…,
Pizza must cut to be a little pieces…that’s so disappointed
I took pizza and mayones (is it true..spell I mean?)
If everybody wanna mayones, they must went to me coz I’ve got that FUFUFU..
Before we ate our food..,we must change the present..
I’ve got number 1…guest what??? I have a box what I dreaming
Thanks dimas^^ of course the present!!! kind of a little present for handphone I guest
But I confused,,…why is like a hallowen present???
Like nightmare before chrismas!!! I though that’s wrong present
But OK…fine….because he said that he just bought that this afternoon
My present belong to evy^^ yeah congratulation!!!!
Evy, you’re so lucky!!! My present was so cool…and the cover was so nice
She said she doesn’t wanna open it because the cover was so cute!!!
Yeah…cute HAH????
Well…, I’ll do it my best (^-^)//
Hey I forgot to told that ‘bout friend who have same class with me in conversation class
He’s Al (I don’t know he’s real name, actually)…he’s the one who’s late at night
He wanna gets his certificate…
I wonder who’s invite him??miss maria invite him (she said he was crying if miss maria doesn’t invite him)….
But that’s fun…all people can together again… doesn’t continue the class…it was kind of “jumpa kangen” maybe
We have guest beside my brother…the mr.aap’s class..
They are ari and afron…
My brother’s present belong to dimas…
Dimas ask me what is it??i just say…ooo that’s deadful..^^so you must not open it
Wanna change??but he doesn’t want to because I have his present…
Well that story for today…
It’s wonderfull tonight…there’s so many people in the party…
You know…mr.aap was have a strange clothe….all blue…
Hey…I have balloon ^^…dimas took it for me…and I share with evy..,dimas,,and ridho
(because al doesn’t want it)
Feb 13, 2009
confused bout valentine present..,love letter and food???
Hi…^^what’s up??
Well..,when I wrote this blog, I was listening a song from clay aiken
Yeah…romance song “everything I have”
It’s very touching you know^^
By the way..,I would like to tell you ‘bout this weekend
Start confused with a valentine present and love letter….
Of course I confused with ‘what’s food or drink I wanna brought that weekend??’
So I choosed let’s make a nutrijell (^-^)
I made jelly at night before Friday…so it could be cold if I put in the refrigerator
And I’m not forgot brought some strawberry and melon
You can see the result….i have picture…………………..
What do you think???is it really good??or bad??Well..,when I wrote this blog, I was listening a song from clay aiken
Yeah…romance song “everything I have”
It’s very touching you know^^
By the way..,I would like to tell you ‘bout this weekend
Start confused with a valentine present and love letter….
Of course I confused with ‘what’s food or drink I wanna brought that weekend??’
So I choosed let’s make a nutrijell (^-^)
I made jelly at night before Friday…so it could be cold if I put in the refrigerator
And I’m not forgot brought some strawberry and melon
You can see the result….i have picture…………………..
Well as long as I know, nutrijell wasn’t made anybody disappointed
And…WALA….^^everybody love it….
Maybe strawberry little sour…but that’s OK
I’ll do my best^^
Feb 1, 2009
wanna be a good driver....^^
Kesampean jg blajar nyetir….duh!!!!jd gmnnnnnnnnnnn gt…
Tp ga segrogi yg d bayangin lho…^^
Nyantai bgt!!!
Mungkin ni akibat dr memendam keinginan mw nyetir HEHEHEHE
Hasilnya mulus bgt..,ga ngira deh
cuman yah…perlu d asah lagi la..
namanya jg bru blajar…y ga…???
Yg rada ngekhawatirin pas mundurin mobil trus berhenti bentar
Trus masukin gigi 1 lagi
Coz pd saat yg bersamaan koplingnya g d tekan..
Yg jelas masukin gigi 1 ke gigi 2 sih mulus….
Atrek mundur k belakang siiippppppp deh!!!
Jln mobil yg kayak jln ular…
Kita jln k daerah MTQ….itu tu dekat bandara…coz jg banyak org yg bljr nyetir dsn
(jd punya temen nich)
Mudah2an bs bwa k jln besar!!!
Jd trobosan d taon 2009 kudu bs nyetir…and…………….
Kesampean jg blajar nyetir….duh!!!!jd gmnnnnnnnnnnn gt…
Tp ga segrogi yg d bayangin lho…^^
Nyantai bgt!!!
Mungkin ni akibat dr memendam keinginan mw nyetir HEHEHEHE
Hasilnya mulus bgt..,ga ngira deh
cuman yah…perlu d asah lagi la..
namanya jg bru blajar…y ga…???
Yg rada ngekhawatirin pas mundurin mobil trus berhenti bentar
Trus masukin gigi 1 lagi
Coz pd saat yg bersamaan koplingnya g d tekan..
Yg jelas masukin gigi 1 ke gigi 2 sih mulus….
Atrek mundur k belakang siiippppppp deh!!!
Jln mobil yg kayak jln ular…
Kita jln k daerah MTQ….itu tu dekat bandara…coz jg banyak org yg bljr nyetir dsn
(jd punya temen nich)
Mudah2an bs bwa k jln besar!!!
Jd trobosan d taon 2009 kudu bs nyetir…and…………….
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- n4be
- being who I am and loving what I'm doing coz you'll never be lonely if you learn to befriend yourself..... just remember to be yourself and remember throughout everything why you first wanted to do this...